My paintings,
coloured ceramics
and toys

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Inspired by Miro I Ceramic plate 27x27cm
Inspired by Miro II Ceramic plate 27x27cm
Universe I Ceramic plate 40x40cm
Universe II Ceramic plate 40x40cm

The work of Joan Miró (1893-1983) has always been and endless source of inspiration for me. I admire his attemp to step away from conventional painting methods and try my best to follow his established patterns of organic froms, bright coloured planes and sharp lines. The grossy surface of ceramics is suted best for this approach.

Hobby I Acryl on canvas 112x42cm
Hobby II Acryl on canvas 112x42cm
Comfort I Acryl on canvas 112x42cm
Comfort II Acryl on canvas 112x42cm
Rosasy Acryl on canvas 60x40cm
Dream Acryl on canvas 30x30cm
Iris flower Acryl on canvas 60x40cm
Floral II Acryl on canvas 112x42cm
Grenade Acryl on canvas 30x40cm

For my painting I use mostly acryl on canvas. I try to recreate the fairytale world of my childhood, but with the repseption and experience of an adult eye. Some impressions I bring back from my travels and make and attemp to capture the fragile and quickly evaporating eternal natural beauty.

Bird I

It started more than a decade ago by creating toys for my daughter. Now she is a grown up, but I still from time to time bring to live creatures descending from my imagination.